We almost made it to Christmas break...almost! I was already edgy yesterday morning, not sure why...just extra emotional and touchy. Abby snapped at me. I snapped back at her. I was so mortified and upset with myself, I couldn't bring myself to talk to either one of them. And OF COURSE it was time for the dictation part of spelling. I managed to say, "Just copy it," as I left the table and walked upstairs. I just felt numb. I laid down and just seriously wanted to crawl into myself. I was angry, embarrassed, sad, confused. After a few minutes I got up and started gathering the clothes they needed for their final Triple Threat class (which was also going to be their showcase.) When I went downstairs, they were still sitting at the table...silent, spelling books open, but finished. I told them to get dressed. Then I found this on my computer keyboard: That did it. I cried. I cried as they hugged me and said they were sorry. I told them that I was sorry, too. It was...